
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On our final day, we gathered together for praise and worship. As our team filled the pews and Church members surrounded us, we lifted our hands and voices high to praise and worship God. Sister Ivy and Rachel began to lead us as we sang, “Reckless Love”. The words left our hearts crying,

“Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love

of God. Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, 

leaves the 99″

What a declaration of who God is, His faithful love for us! And the perfect “cap” to describe our experience in New Orleans working with Trumpet of Truth Ministries.

Throughout the week, we had shared in a variety of ministry including feeding programs, evangelism, children’s ministry, and much more. In each program we had witnessed the overwhelming truth about the reckless love of God. In each program, we witnessed Him mobilize our team, the volunteers and staff to reach the one.

In the pouring rain, with a truck full of groceries meant to reach people and homes in need – He empowered our youth with strength to run out despite street flooding, despite torrential winds to knock on doors and deliver groceries. To reach the one. To remind them that they are loved, and seen by Him.

Under the tunnels of downtown New Orleans, the Holy Spirit empowered and awoke the gentleness, kindness, and peace of Him to reach the one. To reach the one who needed the healing. The one who needed to know God had not forgotten about them. To reach the one.

At Garden Oaks, with children whose lives are defined by chaos and violence – He sent gentle loving voices to remind them of their worth, to remind them they are loved. To reach the one who lost all hope. 

To reach the one. Leaving the 99 every time, we saw God empower the team and staff to reach the one. His reckless love was on open display not only for others, but in our team as well. To be a vehicle for this love, a witness of this love, and a recipient every day of this love was a blessing and honor. Each of us returned home with greater revelation and knowledge of this love. Thank you Jesus!