
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As a leader on this trip to New Orleans, I’ve found myself often times observing the impact that the mission had on my participants. This trip has been really eye opening for most of the team, most of whom have never experienced anything like this.Their hearts have been broken this week (in a good way) and have been opened up to loving all people in all circumstances. For example, two participants met a homeless man named Joey. After they met him, 90% of their conversation revolved around Joey. They genuinely loved him, wanted to help him and couldn’t wait to see him again. It impacted them so deeply that all of the emotions they had experienced throughout the week got transferred onto Joey. It broke them down. It made them hurt when they thought about him. Seeing their brokenness made me want to ache that way for others. Alec and Sidney are at a beautiful time in their walks with Jesus and while they still have a lot of growing to do, it’s amazing to watch as Jesus grows in their hearts for others and they began to see the world through God’s eyes.