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One of the many missions experiences loved by our participants in New Orleans is the “Urban Plunge”. We have the participants ride on the famous New Orleans Trolleys and challenge them to connect with people as the Holy Spirit leads. Kristen Maier was impacted:

During one of our rides on the Trolley, an older woman and her husband sat down next to me. Because I am a very introverted person, striking up a conversation with a stranger is a challenge but I paryed and asked the older woman how she was doing and we proceeded to have a great conversation for about 30 minutes. we talked about what we were doing in New Orleans, among other things, and as she and her husband getting off the trolley, she turned back to me and said, “I’ll be praying for you and your team”. I thought to myself, that I never asked her how I could pray for her; but instead she blessed me. It’s weird to be able to become friends so quickly. I think that the Holy Spirit has emboldened me to connect with people, even back home in Georgia, that with His help, I have overcome my introversion. Praise God.